About Us

Supercharge your DITA-XML editing, building, and publishing with DITAxPresso.

DITAxPresso is an interoperability utility that makes your DITA-XML migration journey smooth and cost-effective. Migrating to unstructured content to DITA has always been challenging. For smaller technical publication teams, this task is even more daunting. DITAxPresso offers easy DITA content handling and helps you migrate your content to a full-fledged DITA CCMS. While migrating your content to DITA, you can validate your migrated content, and style to publish your DITA content.


Our dynamic team is the one who turns your documents into a very versatile document as per your technical needs.


Innovating through continuous knowledge development and incorporating transparency with ethical work principles.


Provide world-class technology services and solutions. We are passionate about innovation in cutting edge technologies.

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A unique and beautiful collection of UI elements that are all flexible and modular. A complete and customizable solution to building the website of your dreams.

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